blutigeroo 07:13 AM on 7/12/2010. 361 Fans. Investigative journalism in the US (and most of the West) is all but dead. blutigeroo: Investigative journalism in the US (and most of the West) ... A better way to ?fix? Muslim self-esteem, which apparently is in tatters, would be to get Westerners can begin to see them as equal?many too but too many don't as well?stop waging unjust wars on them & being truly impartial in the Israel-Palestine issue (the last 2 are biggest ...
"The United States strongly condemns today's murderous attack by al-Shabaab against civilians staying at the Mouna Hotel in Mogadishu," said U.S. State Department Spokesman Phillip Crowley. "Our condolences go out to the families and friends of the ... It also claims to be waging jihad against enemies of Islam, yet most of its victims are Muslims. Other victims are frequently foreign aid workers, delivering food and desperately needed services to the Somali people. ...